In regards to the term “terrorism”, Dr. Bennett correctly states that this ideology has deteriorated in our country, a country that has become more mindful of political correctness, to which Dr. Bennett correctly responds: “…if we want to prevent another slaughter, we must end this infection of the mind where we no longer call things by their proper names”. The authors continue: “The bottom line is this: the words Islam, terrorism, or even their modified forms such as radical Islam, and the violence these philosophies fuel, are being shunted aside, made ineffable, quieted, and hushed from high to low. Americans and her allies – indeed almost anyone in radical Islam’s way – are being targeted, have been for a long time, and it is not letting up. Sadly, it is we, in our rhetoric and mind-set, who are letting up”.
This is an important book. The authors opine, and accurately so, that we (our society, our world, our communities, individuals) have gone (declined?) from intellectual, to rhetorical, to moral confusion. Watching the news, reading newspapers (which are quickly being replaced by the internet and/or blogs), and even talking with people, it’s clear to see that the declination in fact is occurring. We, as Christians, should not be surprised this is happening, as the Bible has spoke of these things. What is disheartening is the sheer volume of people who believe and practice these ways – exchanging truth for lies and clearly believing those lies, and the lackadaisical attitude of the masses.
The authors make a stark statement, warning the reader that “Hezbollah and al-Qaeda has made it their business to murder, maim, hijack, and kidnap Americans with the same irrational hostility they harbor for Israel .” And to back up that statement, the now dead bin Laden has been quoted: “…dealing with the pampered and effeminate Americans will be easy”. If that statement doesn’t make one open their eyes, I truly don’t know what will. We have become people that resort to tailoring our language to suit the sensibilities of the enemy. We have become dangerously confused about just who our enemy is – and who our enemy is not. We have abandoned our moral sense, protesting against the eradication of the sheer, unmitigated evil. The general “uneducated” thought of the Muslim belief is that it is a “religion of peace” or the “thinking of a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world”. However, their very publications assert the complete opposite: “those who choose to reside in the lands of unbelief will be considered infidels and enemies of Allah”, and “generations that will come after us will certainly throw the Jews out”.
After 9/11, American government leaders bent over backwards to make sure that the Muslim community did not feel targeted – even to the point of appeasement. This view has now compromised our safety while empowering and validating people who fuel the hatred. Our global thinking of willful ignorance and denials will no doubt be America ’s downfall. The author’s take this a step further: “…a country’s leadership that cannot muster the verbal wherewithal to identify its enemy by taking its enemy seriously at its word – when the enemy tells us again and again what it is, who it is, what it will do, and then does it – is a country that has halfway surrendered to its enemy”. Chilling statement. And to piggy-back off of that statement, the authors further in the book make the statement: “…once upon a time we needed covert intelligence to help discover the nature of our enemies’ intentions. That was then. Now they tell us openly, loudly, time and time again. Yet we ignore them. This is a betrayal of more than moral clarity; it is a betrayal of reality. And reality can be a merciless avenger when betrayed”.
Look, I am not a war-lover. I do not enjoy hearing the stories of our fine soldiers being blown up by the enemies. It breaks my heart. More so, the mind-set of people around me who’s beliefs are mis-guided by lies. What is the truth??? This is the question so many ponder, and ask. To dig to find the truth would mean FACING THE TRUTH. Jesus stated: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” (John 14:6). We cannot excuse Christian violence in the past or present. The New Testament affirms that Jesus Christ taught his followers to bless their accusers and pray for their abusers. By contrast, the Koran instructs “Fight those who do not believe in Allah…nor follow the religion”. So those who state that Christianity and Muslim religion are alike or similar, really are part of the “uneducated” population – which is fast growing.
One final important statement: the authors recognize our failing schools in not teaching America ’s truth to our young, impressionable children’s minds. Our schools, too, have become dangerously ‘politically correct’. “We have made aliens in our country by alienating ourselves and our children from our history and our cause. Not only do many of our children no longer study our history at all; too many who do, study it as an oppressive story of misery, exploitation, and injustice…the Islamic fundamentalism {is a} strong brew, particularly for the immature and uncritical, and they can fill hungry and lost souls.”
For him who has ears to hear, AND eyes to read, let him read this book. We are in the fight of our lives, and we better have our armor on – it’s going to be a long and hard fight. The only hope we have as Christians, is that we know who wins in the end. Hallelujah!
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