Tuesday, October 5, 2010

FROZEN GRAPES! I think I could do this...., August 27, 2010

I was very excited to read this book.  Over three-fourths of the people I know in my little corner of the world struggle with food, myself being one.  I have never entertained the idea of a “quick fix”, so seeing something from a reputable book publishing company was very interesting to me.  Roger Wilson starts out his book “Let’s Do Lunch” with wise caution to consult with your physician before starting any diet regime.  I must say I am a little leery about ANY diet that does not incorporate some sort of exercise with it.  To be fair, Mr. Wilson doesn’t say not to exercise, he just says that his ‘program’ does not require it.  He goes on further to say that if you want to lose weight faster, then exercise along with his program is the way to do it.  Regardless, Mr. Wilson claims that his diet does not require exercise, pills, nothing to count, no special shakes, no portions to control, no meetings to attend, and you eat until you are full.  Sound too good to be true?  Mr. Wilson lays out a very easy plan, and it all starts with frozen grapes.  What I especially liked about “Let’s Do Lunch” is the 14-day sample menu plan guide at the end of his book.  I am someone who needs this type of aid to keep me on track. 

Mr. Wilson’s “Let’s Do Lunch” does not dive into the underlying issues of why people eat to the point of obesity and out of control-ness.  There are a sea of other books that tackle that. “Let’s Do Lunch” assumes that you are aware of the issues, have dealt with or are dealing with them, and are ready to just eat better.  While I admit I have not applied Mr. Wilson’s program yet to my own life, I am eagerly anticipating the day when I will, and hopefully with the same results.

I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com  <http://BookSneeze.com> book review bloggers program.

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