Sunday, November 10, 2013

November 10, 2013…One Perfect Life – The Complete Story of the Lord Jesus, by John MacArthur

The subtitle of “One Perfect Life” is, "The Complete Story of the Lord Jesus"…and complete it is, compiling Scriptures from Genesis through Revelation in the New King James translation. There are eleven parts of the story divided into 215 readings. Each reading has a handful of MacArthur's study notes.  So for those wanting to learn more, to understand more of the text, it's there.

If you ever wanted a blended version of the gospels, then this is the book for you.  John MacArthur blends all four gospels together to tell a poignant story of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It also takes different accounts from the Old Testament (the prophecies of his impending birth and life). From this account of Jesus Christ’s life you can get everything you would get in the bible just all together in the same time-line.  There are also verse by verse break downs so that you can actively understand the scripture.  MacArthur’s “One Perfect Life” is NOT the whole Bible but only an account of Jesus Christ’s life through the four gospels. There are even footnotes in the text which would be reminiscent of a study Bible.

It is incredible to me how the four stories of Jesus work in unison!  Using Matthew as his base text, MacArthur reveals the harmony of the Gospels and how they’re a witness to Biblical inerrancy.

The familiar stories of Jesus took on a richer, deeper meaning for me, as John MacArthur blended the gospel accounts into a single narrative – further enhanced by key verses from the Old and New Testaments – in his new book “One Perfect Life”.  With the addition of specially chosen, explanatory notes from The MacArthur Study Bible, One Perfect Life is a look at the Savior like you’ve never seen before.  In “One Perfect Life”, John MacArthur weaves the life of Christ into a seamless, compelling, chronologically organized story.

The focus of the entire book is, of course, on Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and on the gospel. The book not only reveals who Christ is, it reveals who we are--with or without Christ. The very last reading is a great invitation to come to Christ and be saved.

John MacArthur is well-respected and certainly does not disappoint with his newest title.  “One Perfect Life” is a powerful, compelling read.

I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review/BookSneeze bloggers program.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 5, 2013… God is moving in dreams and visions to accomplish what no man could ever do on his own

What would you do if Jesus appeared to you in a dream?  What if He came to you in a vision and told you to follow Him? What if these visions continued for over thirty days?  Would you believe?  Would you put your trust in him? Would you devote your life to him?

Would you if you were Muslim?

“If you are concerned about the end of the world or Islamic fundamentalism or whether or not America will survive an economic collapse, this book is for you.  Whatever world condition worries you most, you can take heart that Jesus remains firmly in control.  As always, Jesus touches people one by one…….Islam has a visitor – Jesus has arrived.”

Eleven years ago, Pastor Tom Doyle felt God calling him to leave the pastorate and become a full-time missionary in the Middle East and Central Asia. Throughout his journey he has encountered a staggering number of Muslims who were first introduced to Jesus through a vision or dream so powerful that they eventually turned from their lifelong religion of Islam and embraced Christ as their Savior.  Despite living in a culture where converting to Christianity can result in execution, these former Muslims have found hope, peace, and inspiration that comes from knowing Christ.  Their stories will amaze you.  Jesus is reaching out to the Muslims and they are responding.  I had no idea that Iran has the fastest growing church in the world!!

Tom Doyle has extensive experience in the Middle East, but explained that when he first heard of the supernatural move of God taking place in the Middle East, he had difficulty believing the stories….but the stories kept coming... and coming. One former Islamic person after another told stories of how Jesus Himself came to them in dreams or visions which opened the door for them to become a follower of Christ.  A statement made in the book that stuck in my mind was: "God showed me that my theology does not determine His actions."  In Pastor Doyle’s time in ministry, he has witnessed many Muslims who had specific dreams and visions of Jesus.  Despite the Muslim rule of law in many countries that says that if you convert to Christianity, death will be your end, many Muslims are pursuing Jesus after having these powerful dreams of Him.  Yet, as Pastor Doyle attests, Jesus is awakening Muslim culture in powerful ways.

To assure the skeptic, Pastor Doyle makes statement that all the accounts within the book are verified:  "The stories in this book are about real people I know personally or are known by my family's closest friends in the Middle East. If we couldn't verify the experience, we left it out - no Christian fairy tales here."

One of the great things about this book is that you get a glimpse of Muslim people getting glimpses of Jesus through dreams in many different countries.  The book is divided by chapter, but also by country – chronicling the work of God in such countries as Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Syria.  We get a sense of the difficult situation in these Middle East countries through Pastor Doyle's description.  He writes, "Because 1.5 billion Muslims look to Saudi Arabia as home base for their faith, Saudi Arabia rises to the top when it comes to "zero tolerance" toward other religions".

This book challenged me to check my preconceptions about Muslims at the door and offer prayers to God on their behalf.  No, not every Muslim is a terrorist; Pastor Doyle makes an assertion that only about 10% of Muslims align themselves with extreme positions.

While some are questioning the veracity of Muslims having dream and visions are even possible, I am reminded of Scripture, specifically Joel 2:28-29:
“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions; And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.

And also in the New Testament, specifically Acts 16:10:
"And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavored to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them."

Pastor Doyle continues, "I believe Islamic terrorism is Satan's attempt to keep the gospel message away from Muslims. The enemy thinks that if he can make the rest of us afraid of Muslims or make us hate them, then he can short-circuit Jesus' church from reaching Muslims."  This statement convicted me to my core.

Scripture commands Christians to share the gospel with all peoples.  The Great Commission doesn't exclude potential terrorists or extremists, doesn't give Christians an "out" for choosing fear over obedience.  Christ clearly said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (Matt. 28:19-20).  These ARE NOT confusing words.   All means all.

Jesus also said:  “Then He said to them all: "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow Me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for Me will save it." -Luke 9:23-24.

For the Muslim who decides to follow Jesus this is no small thing; they may very literally pay with their life.

That Jesus is directly connecting to Muslims through dreams and visions, and angelic visitations, is incredible.  Pastor Doyle's thesis is clearly stated on pp. 126-127: "...a large chunk of Jesus' world has no access to Him--no Bibles, no missionaries, and no one to tell them that God wants to rescue them. That's why He's been taking the matter into His own hands...God is happy to rescue people out of the darkness by means we more conservative types find unconventional."  Interestingly, Pastor Doyle points out that Islam started with Muhammad having a dream, and how dreams are respected as a means of divine revelation in the Middle East.

I was particularly moved by the story of Fatima in chapter five, about an amazingly brave Islamic poet who was beaten and killed by her own brother for becoming a follower of Christ.  In some countries, the family will do the 'honor killings' to remove the shame that their loved one brought upon them.  Heartbreaking what a lie and supposed “cultural customs” can do to a mind.

This book has increased my awareness of Muslim beliefs and practices, made me more compassionate, and boosted my faith by hearing the stories of how Jesus is appearing to these people today.  The book also gives the Christian reader insight on what the Quran teaches about Christ, so that if you speak to a Muslim, you will know that while most believe that Jesus was a prophet, they do not understand the purpose of His martyrdom nor His Godhood.  Many think Christians worship three Gods!

The author reminds us that as we encounter Muslims within our community, we should not look at them as terrorists but people that have needs and desires as we do.

We must remember that salvation is a gift, we didn't earn it and when we approach others, it should be as Christ interacted with great gentleness and humility.  When we genuinely love, others sense it.  Love draws people. Fear, hate and judgment always pushes away.  Will we have an answer, when we stand before the Throne and are asked, "What did you do for me?"

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October 23, 2012…Core Aspects of Christian Faith – Powerful Teaching by Pastor John MacArthur

“Becoming a Christian means being sick of your sin, longing for forgiveness and rescue from present evil and future hell, and affirming your commitment to the Lordship of Christ to the point where you are willing to forsake everything. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: it isn’t just holding up your hand or walking down an aisle and saying, ‘I love Jesus.’”
–John MacArthur

Best-selling author and Pastor John MacArthur reminds us that God is sovereign, that nothing happens without the will of God, including one’s Salvation.  He talks in more detail about Salvation as the sole will of God (sole sovereignty) versus how good we are as Christians and persons (evaluation).

“Whom He justified, these He also glorified (Romans 8:30)”

He also reminds us that God chooses to love us (Deuteronomy 7:6-7), but He is not obliged to do so.  Pastor MacArthur tries to bring light to our love/hate relationship with God making several references to contradictions found in the Bible.

MacArthur advises to submit ourselves to God’s will (chapters 2 & 3), live Christian-ly correctly (ch. 4) and confess our flaws to receive the God’s Grace (ch. 5 & 6).

“Many people claim to follow Jesus. Many people claim to be His disciples, and many always have. But in these verses in Matthew, our Lord pointed to the proof of genuineness. This is the mark of a real follower of Christ.”
– in reference to Matthew 10:38-39.

This is a great little book, highly recommended for new believers and fresh reminders for those who have walked for a while.  Would recommend  the other two companion books in this series:  “The Truth About Grace”, and “The Truth About Forgiveness”.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Well Done, good and faithful servant Dr. Graham, Well Done, May 1, 2012

I requested Billy Graham’s “Nearing Home” book in November of 2011.  I have deeply admired Dr. Graham, his ministry, divine wisdom, and love for his Lord and Savior.  I have always believed him to be our modern-day prophet.  In this day, there are few that can even come close to that title.  He has always held himself to the Lord’s standards, and not only preached it, but lived his life as an example for the Lord.  Even with all my deep respect, love and admiration for this man that I have never met personally, it was with a little hesitation that I requested this book.  And thus, put off reading it until just recently, April of 2012.  Really, my hesitation was purely selfish – not wanting to face the inevitable fact that Billy Graham was nearing leaving this sinful world to live eternity with his Lord and Savior.   The thought of Billy Graham not on this earth to “be our lifeline, our connection to God” was a bit scary to me.  Yes, it sounds like I am glorifying Billy Graham, rather than his Maker.  But truly, that’s probably how the Israelites felt after Moses died – not really worshipping the man, but respecting the man whom God used so mightily.  So, with that said, realizing I must lean on the Lord, I finally picked up “Nearing Home” late April of 2012, with a box of Kleenex’s nearby, just in case my little heart became soft.

Right off the bat I was hit with my own purpose, calling and demise in my life.  What have I done for the Lord?  Have I lived my life for Him?  Have I followed in His calling for my life?  Will He say “Well done” when my days on earth are done?  These are questions we will all have to answer for.  For me, there certainly are days that I am not proud of.  Dr. Graham encourages us to “not retire from life”, but until our dying breath, God has a reason for keeping us here.  What a statement of hope that is!  We are commanded to care for others; “feed my sheep” were the words Jesus spoke to Peter before He ascended into Heaven.  Dr. Graham wisely states, “even if on our death bed, or an invalid, fill your mind with the knowledge of the Lord, as you impact those around you with hope”.

The love that is in the pages of this book totally shattered my hesitation, and actually encouraged and lifted my eyes upward.  Not only does Dr. Graham give practical advice to those who are in their elderly years, but he also gives wisdom to those who are younger:  to plan for the future, to think about your actions today that may affect your tomorrows, to practice forgiveness (“one of the most beautiful words in the human vocabulary” – I love that!), to build our lives on Christ.  Then, by the time we are elderly, our roots will have developed and strengthened, knowing that our present is not our future.  What wisdom.

In conclusion, I loved the last paragraph that Dr. Graham used in the introduction of his book:
“Someday our life’s journey will be over.  In a sense, we all are nearing home.  As we do so, I pray that you and I may not only learn what it means to grow older but, with God’s help, also learn to grow older with grace and find the guidance needed to finish well”.

Amen.  Thank you, Dr. Graham for your words about "Life, Faith and Finishing Well”.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

An Impressive [having the power to excite attention, awe, or admiration] Bible

Unexpectedly, I am starting to acquire a nice collection of Bibles:  study, children’s, different versions, picture, etc.  I was really excited when this Bible became available for reviewing.  I stayed up late so that I could ensure a hard copy (and NOT an electronic version!) for myself.  And wow, am I so glad I did!  This rugged hardcover book is a gem.  At first look, the typeset is bold and large, making for a very easy and comfortable read.  Also, at first look, it may seem confusing to read, because of the [expanded] word features, but reading some reviews prior to choosing this for myself, I had a good idea of what to expect.  It is an absolute must to read the [directions], or the Introduction, at the very front of the Bible. This explains how this Bible is laid out:  Literal meanings, references, expanded translations, traditional wordings, and comments all within the [expanded] typeset.  This is such a great resource to actually see what God is saying, discover the significance and comprehend full meanings.  The Bible was originally written in Hebrew (for the Old Testament) and Greek (for the New Testament), with some parts in Aramaic.  Over time, our beloved Bible has been translated into hundreds of other languages – which all fall short in one way or another.  The [Expanded] Bible is not perfect, either, but it certainly does help and shed a great light on translation problems.  How it does this is by:  1) showing multiple possibilities for words, phrases, and interpretations.  2) It can show both an original metaphor and a more prosaic understanding of that metaphor.  3) It provides comments that give the historical, cultural, linguistic, or theological background that we may lack.  4) It also provides the most literal renderings to show what a translator has to work with.

So how does The [Expanded] Bible work exactly?  At first read, it might be cumbersome and confusing.  But I encourage you to press on, it is definitely worth it, and your eyes will become adjusted to it.  The [Expanded] Bible incorporates within each line the information you would find in a variety of Bible reference works, making it possible to read and study the Bible at the same time.  The base text appears in bold-faced type.  Alternate interpretations of words, phrases or other information are placed [in brackets in lighter type].

There is one other feature that The [Expanded] Bible boasts – and that is wide margins on each page.  I am one to write quite extensively in my Bible: my notes or something that has spoken to me, or maybe a sermon or talk has turned a light on a passage for me.  So the wide margins are indeed a nice feature.

I am excited to incorporate The [Expanded] Bible into my Bible study.  I know that translations have lost pertinent information over the years, and this Bible certainly will have its flaws, too.  But just from diving into it for a short amount of time, I can already see [and learn] what the original translation meant, and that is an amazing discovery!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

God HAS spoken - here's proof

“Has God Spoken?:  Proof of the Bible’s Divine Inspiration, written by best selling author, Hank Hanegraaff, offers evidence that the Bible is truly the inspired word of God. Through archaeological evidence, prophecy, and various manuscripts, Mr. Hanegraaff helps those who doubt the validity of the Bible realize that it is truth.

Although I found the continued use of ‘acronyms’ to be a bit distracting, and the spending more time affirming the acronyms rather than the Bible to be annoying, I did enjoy reading this book and understanding more about the various archaeological finds that have surfaced over the past 200 years or so.  Archaeological finds such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Pool of Siloam, and many cuneiform engravings document Biblical history.

This book is a must read for Christians and non-Christians alike, for those who enjoy history, and for those who are not sure what they believe about the Bible. Hank Hanegraaff has done an excellent job in winning the debate over whether the Bible is truth.

I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

For Him Who Has Ears To Hear....The Fight Of Our Lives.

In regards to the term “terrorism”, Dr. Bennett correctly states that this ideology has deteriorated in our country, a country that has become more mindful of political correctness, to which Dr. Bennett correctly responds: “…if we want to prevent another slaughter, we must end this infection of the mind where we no longer call things by their proper names”.  The authors continue:  “The bottom line is this: the words Islam, terrorism, or even their modified forms such as radical Islam, and the violence these philosophies fuel, are being shunted aside, made ineffable, quieted, and hushed from high to low.  Americans and her allies – indeed almost anyone in radical Islam’s way – are being targeted, have been for a long time, and it is not letting up.  Sadly, it is we, in our rhetoric and mind-set, who are letting up”.

This is an important book.  The authors opine, and accurately so, that we (our society, our world, our communities, individuals) have gone (declined?) from intellectual, to rhetorical, to moral confusion.  Watching the news, reading newspapers (which are quickly being replaced by the internet and/or blogs), and even talking with people, it’s clear to see that the declination in fact is occurring.  We, as Christians, should not be surprised this is happening, as the Bible has spoke of these things.  What is disheartening is the sheer volume of people who believe and practice these ways – exchanging truth for lies and clearly believing those lies, and the lackadaisical attitude of the masses.

The authors make a stark statement, warning the reader that “Hezbollah and al-Qaeda has made it their business to murder, maim, hijack, and kidnap Americans with the same irrational hostility they harbor for Israel.”  And to back up that statement, the now dead bin Laden has been quoted:  “…dealing with the pampered and effeminate Americans will be easy”.  If that statement doesn’t make one open their eyes, I truly don’t know what will.  We have become people that resort to tailoring our language to suit the sensibilities of the enemy.  We have become dangerously confused about just who our enemy is – and who our enemy is not.  We have abandoned our moral sense, protesting against the eradication of the sheer, unmitigated evil.  The general “uneducated” thought of the Muslim belief is that it is a “religion of peace” or the “thinking of a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world”.  However, their very publications assert the complete opposite:  “those who choose to reside in the lands of unbelief will be considered infidels and enemies of Allah”, and “generations that will come after us will certainly throw the Jews out”.

After 9/11, American government leaders bent over backwards to make sure that the Muslim community did not feel targeted – even to the point of appeasement.  This view has now compromised our safety while empowering and validating people who fuel the hatred.  Our global thinking of willful ignorance and denials will no doubt be America’s downfall.  The author’s take this a step further:  “…a country’s leadership that cannot muster the verbal wherewithal to identify its enemy by taking its enemy seriously at its word – when the enemy tells us again and again what it is, who it is, what it will do, and then does it – is a country that has halfway surrendered to its enemy”.  Chilling statement.  And to piggy-back off of that statement, the authors further in the book make the statement:  “…once upon a time we needed covert intelligence to help discover the nature of our enemies’ intentions.  That was then.  Now they tell us openly, loudly, time and time again.  Yet we ignore them.  This is a betrayal of more than moral clarity; it is a betrayal of reality.  And reality can be a merciless avenger when betrayed”.

Look, I am not a war-lover.  I do not enjoy hearing the stories of our fine soldiers being blown up by the enemies.  It breaks my heart.  More so, the mind-set of people around me who’s beliefs are mis-guided by lies.  What is the truth???  This is the question so many ponder, and ask.  To dig to find the truth would mean FACING THE TRUTH.  Jesus stated:  “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” (John 14:6).  We cannot excuse Christian violence in the past or present.  The New Testament affirms that Jesus Christ taught his followers to bless their accusers and pray for their abusers.  By contrast, the Koran instructs “Fight those who do not believe in Allah…nor follow the religion”.  So those who state that Christianity and Muslim religion are alike or similar, really are part of the “uneducated” population – which is fast growing.

One final important statement:  the authors recognize our failing schools in not teaching America’s truth to our young, impressionable children’s minds.  Our schools, too, have become dangerously ‘politically correct’.  “We have made aliens in our country by alienating ourselves and our children from our history and our cause.  Not only do many of our children no longer study our history at all; too many who do, study it as an oppressive story of misery, exploitation, and injustice…the Islamic fundamentalism {is a} strong brew, particularly for the immature and uncritical, and they can fill hungry and lost souls.”

For him who has ears to hear, AND eyes to read, let him read this book.  We are in the fight of our lives, and we better have our armor on – it’s going to be a long and hard fight.  The only hope we have as Christians, is that we know who wins in the end.  Hallelujah!